1307 artykuły i zasoby
This case study is drafting new legislation that allows renting forestland for multiple purposes in order to increase economic efficiency and maintain a balance between all ecosystem services. This Russian case works on regulation mechanisms so that people renting forestland can use it for multiple purposes, and to include ecosystem services in the Forest Code.
This innovation case is strengthening the link between forests and water with the overall aim of diversifying financing sources for forest management by integrating ecosystem service provision into the economic balance sheet. Work includes integration in the Urban Masterplan for the Rialb Reservoir where different local stakeholders (economic, tourism, water and others) are already working together. The aim is for written recognition in a legal document of the role of forestry in water and landscape conservation, and the recognition of forestry as a potentially relevant economic activity in the area that can be promoted along with tourism. The innovation action also works with the public Segre-Rialb Consortium to assess the suitability of a payment for ecosystem services scheme in relation to water in the area.
This innovation action will provide a unique and innovative way of evaluating health as a component of forest ecosystem services. The goal is to develop several scenarios for payments of those services, as well as empower future management of the protected area. It may also allow some programmes to be launched in cooperation with health institutions on activities related to human health and rehabilitation. In parallel, the case will raise public awareness about forest ecosystem services in order to increase uptake, and so that all stakeholders and park visitors recognise the benefits of forests for their health.
This guide is written as part of the EURAKNOS project ‘Connecting Thematic Networks as Knowledge Reservoirs towards a European Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Open Source System’, with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 817863. The recommendations in this guide were co-created with members from the EURAKNOS project’s Knowledge Innovation Panel (KIP). The KIP represents the agricultural society in Europe, including researchers, farmers, foresters, advisors, policy makers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and facilitators. We greatly appreciate their attendance at workshop meetings both online and in person to help develop these guidelines.
In 2016 and 2017, various problems were identified when operating small-scale biogas plants on agricultural companies. Through the OG Pocketboer and Pocketboer 2, ideas and experiences were brought together to look for solutions. As a result, the poster with tips and tricks from and for farmers was created in 2019 and updated in 2021.
This factsheet explores how managing forests to be used as spiritual forests and forest kindergartens could benefit both the forest and the forest owner. The core impact of the case study is to raise awareness of the importance of cultural ecosystem services and to motivate forest actors to manage forests appropriately.
The “Mushrooms of Borgotaro IGP” are produced in the woods of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. The way the woods are managed has a great influence on the micro-climate of the undergrowth and consequently on fungal production. The Consorzio Comunalie Parmensi intends to improve the commercialisation of recreational permits for wild mushrooms collection in forest through an online platform. One of the main goals of this innovation case is to have a better distribution of mushroom pickers in the forest, avoiding their concentration in specific areas.
Sustainability in the agri-food sector is essential to ensure reduced pressure on natural resources and good living conditions in rural areas (FAO, 2014). Achieving this objective largely depends on the constant introduction of innovation along the whole agri-food chain (OECD, 2019). Public policies can play a forefront role in this regard (OECD, 2021). However, although many studies and reviews focused on the issues at farm level, little is still explored regarding the impact of public policies on agri-food chains as a whole (Uthes & Matzdorf, 2013).
Software Application
Short food supply chains (SFSCs) can be pointed out as one of the most straightforward approaches for connecting consumers and producers in agri-food supply chains. They are identified as a more sustainable way of producing, processing, and/or selling food, which demonstrates a “turn to quality” in both agriculture and consumption. Traditionally, SFSCs allowed producers to have a strong position in the food chain, but their role decreased with Europe’s industrialisation and long-distance transportation, urbanisation, and technical advances. Nowadays, renewed consumer interest in direct purchasing, created by an interest in safe produce has boosted the resurgence of SFSCs. European legislation lays the foundations for their promotion through legal and policy incentives implemented in the framework of national Rural Development Programmes (RDP). The agroBRIDGES project aims at empowering farmers with practical knowledge, tools and support to rebalance their market position by setting up new business and marketing models based on Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs), with a focus on building bridges between producers and consumers. Along these lines, the project followed an integrated methodology by establishing regional multi-actor structures for demand-driven innovation, and delivering a combination of communication materials, training programmes, events, decision support and other digital tools packed in the agroBRIDGES Toolbox (www.agrobridges-toolbox.eu). More than 2,500 producers, consumers and other agri-food stakeholders have been involved in testing, validating and ultimately benefitting from the roll out of the agroBRIDGES Τoolbox and its practical support.
The brochure consists of various modules, in which each time a different aspect of pocket digestion is highlighted: MODULE1: Wat is vergisting?; MODULE2: Praktische tips voor een goede uitbating; MODULE3: Wetgeving & steunmaatregelen; MODULE4: Businessmodel; MODULE5: Nieuwe concepten; MODULE6: Praktijkvoorbeelden; MODULE7: Nutriëntenstromen.