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Final Report on Cross Visits
- Eelke Wielinga
It summarises the reports from all Cross Visits. During the Cross Visits the AgriSpin team gradually learned how to capture what really matters in the cases that were visited. It is important that the characteristics in the overview are helpful for: ● deepening the understanding of the individual cases and the effect of particular innovation support actions; ● making comparisons between cases, even though they represent different sectors and cover different types of innovation.
Different stages of an innovation process supported by good working examples from practice
- AgriSpin
The inspirational booklet is a guide. It offers a collection of examples of good working practices involving different types of actors such as advisors, researchers, technology suppliers, retailers, civil society groups and administrators. The examples are from the 12 different European countries participating in the AgriSpin project and represent different stages of an innovation process. The booklet also presents some tools and lessons learned, which can help the innovator better understand the innovation process in order to anticipate possible pitfalls.
Pepper Fact Sheet
This document is designed for use by pepper growers and agronomists in Europe to inform them on smart technologies and methodologies available to them for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in open-field and greenhouse systems. The SMART IPM technologies are divided into four main technique types each with subsections of their own: Monitoring (Pest monitoring, Crop Monitoring, Others), Diagnostics and detection (ELISA, RNA and DNA, Mobile disorder detection, Others), Decision support (With sensors, Without sensors), Application (Sprayers, Sprayer drones, UV techniques, Distribution system for beneficials, others).
Onion Fact Sheet
This document is designed for use by onion farmers and agronomists in Europe to inform them on smart technologies and methodologies available to them for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in open-field systems. The SMART IPM technologies are divided into four main technique types each with subsections of their own: Monitoring (Pest monitoring, Crop Monitoring, Others), Diagnostics and detection (ELISA, RNA and DNA, Mobile disorder detection, Others), Decision support (With sensors, Without sensors), Application (Sprayers, Sprayer drones, Mechanical weeders, UV techniques, Distribution system for beneficials, others).
Cucumber Fact Sheet
This document is designed for use by cucumber farmers and agronomists in Europe to inform them on smart technologies and methodologies available to them for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in open-field and greenhouse systems. The SMART IPM technologies are divided into four main technique types each with subsections of their own: Monitoring (Pest monitoring, Crop Monitoring, Others), Diagnostics and detection (ELISA, RNA and DNA, Mobile disorder detection, Others), Decision support (With sensors, Without sensors), Application (Sprayers, Sprayer drones, UV techniques, Distribution system for beneficials, others).
The Cross Visit Method - Approach Report on the development and final methodology for the AgriSpin Cross Visits
- Eelke Wielinga
What can support services do to stimulate innovations at farm level? This is the central question in AgriSpin. The Cross Visits aim at collecting information about innovations that have taken place or that are in progress. The members of the visiting team are predominantly support agents themselves, which allows for vivid exchanges of experiences. A cross visit creates space for intensive informal interactions between colleagues from different corners of Europe. This provides a basis for continuous contacts after the project.
Thematic studies - agroecology
- Barna Kovács, PhD.
Socio-ecological indicators of agroecology-systems in the BIOEAST countries
Tomato Fact Sheet
This document is designed for use by tomato growers and agronomists in Europe to inform them on smart technologies and methodologies available to them for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in open-field and greenhouse systems. The SMART IPM technologies are divided into four main technique types each with subsections of their own: Monitoring (Pest monitoring, Crop Monitoring, Others), Diagnostics and detection (ELISA, RNA and DNA, Mobile disorder detection, Others), Decision support (With sensors, Without sensors), Application (Sprayers, Sprayer drones, Mechanical weeders, UV techniques, Distribution system for beneficials, others).
Lettuce Fact Sheet
This document is designed for use by lettuce farmers and agronomists in Europe to inform them on smart technologies and methodologies available to them for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in open-field and greenhouse systems. The SMART IPM technologies are divided into four main technique types each with subsections of their own: Monitoring (Pest monitoring, Crop Monitoring, Others), Diagnostics and detection (ELISA, RNA and DNA, Mobile disorder detection, Others), Decision support (With sensors, Without sensors), Application (Sprayers, Sprayer drones, Mechanical weeders, UV techniques, Distribution system for beneficials, others).
Carrot Fact Sheet
This document is designed for use by carrot farmers and agronomists in Europe to inform them on smart technologies and methodologies available to them for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in open-field systems. The SMART IPM technologies are divided into four main technique types each with subsections of their own: Monitoring (Pest monitoring, Crop Monitoring, Others), Diagnostics and detection (ELISA, RNA and DNA, Mobile disorder detection, Others), Decision support (With sensors, Without sensors), Application (Sprayers, Sprayer drones, Mechanical weeders, UV techniques, Distribution system for beneficials, others).