784 άρθρα & πηγές
This innovation action will provide a unique and innovative way of evaluating health as a component of forest ecosystem services. The goal is to develop several scenarios for payments of those services, as well as empower future management of the protected area. It may also allow some programmes to be launched in cooperation with health institutions on activities related to human health and rehabilitation. In parallel, the case will raise public awareness about forest ecosystem services in order to increase uptake, and so that all stakeholders and park visitors recognise the benefits of forests for their health.
This factsheet explores how managing forests to be used as spiritual forests and forest kindergartens could benefit both the forest and the forest owner. The core impact of the case study is to raise awareness of the importance of cultural ecosystem services and to motivate forest actors to manage forests appropriately.
This innovation case is strengthening the link between forests and water with the overall aim of diversifying financing sources for forest management by integrating ecosystem service provision into the economic balance sheet. Work includes integration in the Urban Masterplan for the Rialb Reservoir where different local stakeholders (economic, tourism, water and others) are already working together. The aim is for written recognition in a legal document of the role of forestry in water and landscape conservation, and the recognition of forestry as a potentially relevant economic activity in the area that can be promoted along with tourism. The innovation action also works with the public Segre-Rialb Consortium to assess the suitability of a payment for ecosystem services scheme in relation to water in the area.
- Humans always shared stories and tales in order to convey knowledge, morals, and history. - What is Storytelling? - Storywards - The whole person is involved with heart and mind. - "People learn best through stories." - "Stories are the best way to pass on and absorb complex things.
Module 2 aims to introduce future trainers to: - understanding motivations and barriers of the target group. - possible pitfalls when training adults. - different types of interaction. - good practices developed in FAIRshare.
The “Mushrooms of Borgotaro IGP” are produced in the woods of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. The way the woods are managed has a great influence on the micro-climate of the undergrowth and consequently on fungal production. The Consorzio Comunalie Parmensi intends to improve the commercialisation of recreational permits for wild mushrooms collection in forest through an online platform. One of the main goals of this innovation case is to have a better distribution of mushroom pickers in the forest, avoiding their concentration in specific areas.
This case study is drafting new legislation that allows renting forestland for multiple purposes in order to increase economic efficiency and maintain a balance between all ecosystem services. This Russian case works on regulation mechanisms so that people renting forestland can use it for multiple purposes, and to include ecosystem services in the Forest Code.
BIOEAST Initiative, the CEE countries’ Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy, was established in 2016 to provide a political platform for the CEE countries to strengthen research and innovation cooperation and to enhance participation in the shaping of the European Research Area’s (ERA) policy and framework programme. The BIOEAST Initiative was founded by the Ministers of Agriculture of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. The BIOEAST Initiative represents the common political commitment and shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable and circular bioeconomies in the CEE countries.
Module 1 aims to introduce future trainers to: - the world of digital tools and services. - the FAIRshare DATS inventory. - the successful use of DATS in practice. - common struggles during implementation principles of adult training.
Hedgerows and bends in Schleswig-Holstein have important ecological functions. In order to preserve the hedgerows, farmers are obliged to cut them back regularly. The EIP project shows that maintenance can also be economically profitable for farmers. On the Rixdorf estate, woodchips are used to generate heat. How much dry matter can be extracted from a bend is calculated using a rule of thumb developed in the project.