
Het referentiepunt voor boeren, bosbouwers en adviseurs.

Voorbeeld: irrigatie, David Simmons, biomassa,...

Welkom bij EU-FarmBook

EU-FarmBook ontwikkelt een open source interactieve database voor de hele EU. Het is de plek waar boeren, bosbouwers en adviseurs inspiratie opdoen om te innoveren. Materialen die nuttig zijn voor de praktijk, zoals video's, gebruikershandleidingen, infographics en nog veel meer, komen er samen.

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Bijdragen aan EU-FarmBook

EU-FarmBook maakt kennis beter toegankelijk, vindbaar, interoperabel en herbruikbaar voor de land- en bosbouwgemeenschappen in Europa. Bijdragen aan EU-FarmBook worden uitgewisseld door de AKIS gemeenschap. Het uploadformulier is onderdeel van het platform. Sluit u aan bij onze gemeenschap, registreer u en word zelf een bijdrager.

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Bijdragen die we leuk vinden

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Task 1



  • Alessia Fantini

The 27 country reports compiled in this inventory report give a comprehensive overview of the AKIS infrastructures and of the predominant agricultural and forestry advisory services on national and – if applicable – on regional levels. The intention is that through these reports, essential features of the institutional and infrastructural environment in which advisors in the green sector operate are revealed. This information will then serve as a basis for targeted interventions to support different types of cooperation between AKIS actors in solving problems. Ultimately, the reports will provide up-to-date information for policy and practice in the respective countries.

Grassland use in Europe - syllabus for young farmers



  • A. van den Pol-van Dasselaar
  • L.Bastiaansen-Aantjes
  • M. O'Donovan
  • Christian Huyghe

The European project Inno4Grass created this syllabus on practical grassland management for current and future generations of grassland farmers and advisors. They contain the practical and technical knowledge required for sustainable grassland management.

Welkom bij EU-FarmBook

EU-FarmBook gebruikt bronnen zoals marktonderzoek, beleidsdocumenten en digitale tools om landbouwers en ondernemers te helpen weloverwogen beslissingen te nemen over hun landbouwactiviteiten.

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Inventory of Mountain Value Chains



  • Michele Moretti
  • Francesco Felici
  • Tarek Allali
  • Ivano Scotti
  • Gianluca Brunori

MOVING was an EU Horizon 2020 project that aimed to build capacities and co-develop relevant policy frameworks across Europe to support the establishment of new or upgraded/upscaled value chains that contribute to the resilience and sustainability of mountain areas. The project engaged value chain actors, stakeholders, and policymakers in a total of 23 European mountain regions in 15 countries. This inventory provides an extensive overview of the diversity of mountain value chains in all European mountain regions located in EU Members States and associated countries. It describes a total of 472 value chains, including those based on circular bio-economy processes, ecosystem service provision, innovative governance methods, novel market strategies, and digital innovations.