Model of sustainable irrigation of the olive grove through the use of reclaimed water. (REUTIVAR)
Model of sustainable irrigation of the olive grove through the use of reclaimed water. (REUTIVAR)
Dwar il-proġett
- Koordinatur
- –
- Tip ta' proġett
- EIP-AGRI Operational Group
- Pajjiż
- Spain
- Għotja ID
- OG_Spain_13820bc08c
- Data tal-bidu
- 2018
- Data tat-tmiem
- 2020
- Ara d-dettalji tal-proġett fuq CORDIS
- -
- Żur il-websajt tal-proġett
- Żur il-websajt tal-proġett
Kontribuzzjonijiet tal-proġett
Practice abstract del GO REUTIVAR, modelo de riego sostenible del olivar mediante el uso de agua regenerada
- Pedro Parias Fernández de Heredia