Bioeconomy Concept Paper, Romania
To develop a preliminary impact assessment and to set the framework for a national bioeconomy strategy and action plan development, aiming to generate a deeper discussion in Romania regarding the sustainable valorisation of biomass as renewable natural resources.
Deskrizzjoni fid-dettall
Informazzjoni dwar id-dettall tal-kontribuzzjoni
- Post
- Romania
- Awturi
- BIOEAST secretary (Barna Kovács, PhD)
- Għan
- Decision-making support
- Tip ta' fajl
- Document
- Daqs tal-fajl
- 516 kB
- Maħluq fuq
- 31-12-2023
- Lingwa tal-oriġini
- English
- Websajt uffiċjali tal-proġett
- –
- Liċenzja
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