Report on optimised suites of soil functions, as prioritised by stakeholder groups

This report aims to provide an overview in terms of prioritisation of soil functions, existing knowledge and knowledge requirements harvested from 473 participants. Part A of the report consists of a presentation of the common workshops’ methodology and implementation, harmonized collated results and a synthesis of the main outcomes of the consultations. While PART B consists of the two guides used to run the workshops and a collection of the individual reports of the 32 workshops carried out. Together with the Glossary (D1.1) and the Pillar review papers (D1.3), this report is designed to guide the next steps of the LANDMARK project and it has been incorporated into the Strategic Research Agenda (D1.4).


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Environmental monitoring within greenhouse crops using wireless sensors


Because variables such as temperature and humidity have a profound effect on the activity of crop pests, diseases and natural enemies, the ability to monitor environmental conditions within a crop has always been important for crop protection.

COOPID infographic - Vegetable production


The production of vegetables is not always easy dueto weather variability or soil availability. To tackle these barriers, producers often resort to greenhousesas a solution. In addition to being a stable alternative to outdoor cultivation, greenhouses can be very sustainable systems if resources are used responsibly. Innovation facilitates in many ways the efficient use of resources.

COOPID infographic – Bioeconomy in the Hemp sector


Industrial hemp cultivation is growing worldwide, due to numerous possible applications of the seeds and stems. In addition, industrial hemp and has positive environmental impact on crop rotation, biodiversity and climate due high productivity and yet low fertilizer and pesticide needs.