CAP'2ER(R): A free evaluation tool to assess the environmental performances of your farm

The BroilerNet project involves a bottom-up approach to identify challenges and innovation needs for broiler farmers in Europe, and to collect promising and already successfully implemented Good Practices to meet the challenges in questions. The top Good Practices selected by experts within the three thematic areas (animal health management, animal welfare and sustainability) have been summarized in factsheets. The preservation of the environment is a main challenge for the agricultural sector, including for broiler chicken farming, both in terms of reducing environmental impact and increasing the value of the services provided. the CAP'2ER(R) enviromental diagnostic assessment tool has been adapted by ITAVI for the poultry sector to assess its contributions: it means Automated Environmental Performances Calculations for Responsible Farming. This was made in collaboration with IDELE whos is the initiatior of the approach for rumnirant species. This two-level tool allows farmers to assess the environmental footprint of their farm and to identify action levers to improv their impact. This good practice has been identified by the French Broiler Innovation Network in response to the "carbon neutrality and environmental footprint" challenge selected with regards to the theme Environmental sustainability of the BroilerNet project.


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  • Europe
  • France
  • Stefan Gunnarsson
  • Communication
  • Decision-making support
  • Education/Training
  • Dissemination
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A Bio-inspired Multilayer Drainage System


Agricultural run-off and subsurface drainage tiles transport a significant amount of nitrogen and phosphorus leached after fertilization. alchemia-nova GmbH in collaboration with University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna developed two multi-layer vertical filter systems to address the agricultural run-off issue, which has been installed on the slope of an agricultural field in Mistelbach, Austria. While another multi-layer addressing subsurface drainage water is implemented in Gleisdorf, Austria. The goal is to develop a drainage filter system to retain water and nutrients. Both multi-layer filter systems contain biochar and other substrates with adsorption properties of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus). The filter system can be of practical use if an excess of nutrients being washed out is of concern in the fields of the practitioner by keeping the surrounding waters clean. This approach may result in economic value by re-using the saturated biochar as fertilizer and improving the soil structure, thus increasing long-term soil fertility. Link:



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 858735This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 858735. FACTSHEET NANOCELLULOSE MEMBRANES FOR NUTRIENT RECOVERY Key information Functionalized nanocellulose membranes can take up nitrate and phosphate. These membranes can be put in a water treatment unit. As the membranes are biobased, degradable materials, they can after use be added to the soil, thus returning the leached nutrients back for their original purpose providing fertilizers (nutrient recycling).

Environmental monitoring within greenhouse crops using wireless sensors


Because variables such as temperature and humidity have a profound effect on the activity of crop pests, diseases and natural enemies, the ability to monitor environmental conditions within a crop has always been important for crop protection.