Practice abstract del GO INNOTUBEX, Introducción de novedades en el control de la tuberculosis en explotaciones extensivas de Extremadura
Firstly, to make a selection of model farms affected by tuberculosis, in which measures proven effective are applied in previous experiences carried out in Extremadura, and in which the evolution of the disease over three years. Without losing sight of the concept of integral control, the project will focus primarily on the development of measures elated to the environment where animals are fed and drank, as critical points of contagion. For this purpose, specific drinking troughs and feeders are built, restricted areas of access to water, sown or specific feeding areas. The results are sufficiently transferred to the sectors involved through an intense dissemination campaign.
Detailný popis
Detail príspevku
- Umiestnenie
- Spain
- Autori
- Juan Eloy Rodríguez Ucedo
- Účel
- Communication
- Dissemination
- Typ súboru
- Document
- Veľkosť súboru
- 272 kB
- Vytvorené dňa
- 03-04-2020
- Jazyk pôvodu
- Spanish
- Oficiálna webová stránka projektu
- Innovative Techniques for the Comprehensive Control of Tuberculosis in Extensive Ecosystems.
- Licencia
Súvisiaci obsah
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 858735This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 858735. FACTSHEET NANOCELLULOSE MEMBRANES FOR NUTRIENT RECOVERY Key information Functionalized nanocellulose membranes can take up nitrate and phosphate. These membranes can be put in a water treatment unit. As the membranes are biobased, degradable materials, they can after use be added to the soil, thus returning the leached nutrients back for their original purpose providing fertilizers (nutrient recycling).
This factsheet explains how bringing a team of farmer, vet, feed and farm advisors together is sharing different sources of knowledge together, making the Multi Actor Farm Health approach an effective approach to improve biosecurity on poultry farms
COOPID infographic – Livestock sector
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