Use of hemiparasitic plants (Rhinanthus sp
Hemiparasites, living in permanent grasslands, are annual green plants that are capable of photosynthesis but extract water and minerals from their hosts with specialized roots equipped with contact organs called haustoria (Těšitel et al., 2015). Although there are several genera of hemiparasites in European grasslands (e.g., Melampyrum, Rhinanthus, Pedicularis, Odontites), the most used species in botanical studies is yellow rattle (Rhinanthus minor L.). Unfortunately, this species has low competitive ability against vigorous tall grasses and is vulnerable to competitive exclusion in productive grasslands. A related species, Greater yellow rattle [R. alectorolophus (Scop.) Pollich], is a taller and more vigorous plant that once was a common weed of cereals before the introduction of herbicides in the 1960s. It typically occurs in extensively managed grasslands and road verges in central Europe. Rhinanthus alectorolophus plants can grow up to 80 cm high on arable land, but usually reach a height of up to 40 cm in permanent grasslands.
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- Document
- Veľkosť súboru
- 929 kB
- Vytvorené dňa
- 29-02-2024
- Jazyk pôvodu
- English
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