Disseminating and Promoting Smart Farming Technologies - The Smart AKIS Network.

using Bezier curve with optimum path and minimal navigation and orientation control schemes.

Description détaillée


Information détaillée sur la contribution

  • Europe
  • Tinker David
  • Kernecker Maria
  • Knierimb Andrea
  • Wurbs Angelika
  • Wolters Sandra
  • Frits van Evert
  • Bellostas Natalia
  • Aït-Amare Samy
  • Balafoutis Thanos
  • Fountas Spyros
  • Dissemination
Type de fichier
Report / paper
Taille du fichier
546 kB
Publié sur
Langue originale
Site officiel du projet

Contenu lié

An overview of farmers‘ interests regarding smart farming technologies throughout Europe


Presentation on EU farmers' needs and interests in smart farming based on survey results

Spiritual forests and forest kindergartens


This factsheet explores how managing forests to be used as spiritual forests and forest kindergartens could benefit both the forest and the forest owner. The core impact of the case study is to raise awareness of the importance of cultural ecosystem services and to motivate forest actors to manage forests appropriately.

Forests for water in Catalonia


This innovation case is strengthening the link between forests and water with the overall aim of diversifying financing sources for forest management by integrating ecosystem service provision into the economic balance sheet. Work includes integration in the Urban Masterplan for the Rialb Reservoir where different local stakeholders (economic, tourism, water and others) are already working together. The aim is for written recognition in a legal document of the role of forestry in water and landscape conservation, and the recognition of forestry as a potentially relevant economic activity in the area that can be promoted along with tourism. The innovation action also works with the public Segre-Rialb Consortium to assess the suitability of a payment for ecosystem services scheme in relation to water in the area.