How outdoor access and farm size affects HPAI spatial diffusion patterns among poultry farms in southwest France
This poster presents an analysis of the ongoing threat posed by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) to domestic and wild birds. Dynamic models from the 2016–2017 HPAI epidemic identified duck farms as both more infective and more susceptible than poultry farms. The study explores the reasons behind this increased infectivity and susceptibility, as well as other farm characteristics that may explain variations in HPAI spatial diffusion in more recent epidemics.
Description détaillée
Information détaillée sur la contribution
- Localisation
- Italy
- Auteurs
- Brandon Hayes
- Sebastien Lambert
- Mathilde Paul
- Timothee Vergne
- Lisa Fourtune
- Objectif
- Dissemination
- Communication
- Type de fichier
- Document
- Taille du fichier
- 495 kB
- Publié sur
- 19-09-2023
- Langue originale
- English
- Site officiel du projet
- BioSecure
- License
- mots-clés
Contenu lié
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