Siirry etusivulle
Advanced biodiversity monitoring for results-based and effective agricultural policy and transformation
Tietoja hankkeesta
Unsustainable agricultural practices are major drivers affecting habitat and species diversity in agricultural landscapes of the EU. However, peatland, grassland, and species associated with agriculture are of most concern. The ongoing negative impacts of unsustainable...
- Koordinaattori
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- Hankkeen tyyppi
- Horizon Europe
- Maa
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- Avustuksen tunnus
- 10.3030/101081964
- Aloituspäivä
- 2022-12-01
- Loppupäivä
- 2026-11-30
Hankkeen rahoitusosuudet
OG_Best practice guide for honey processors
- Silviu Ganea