Dissemination of the Framework for Action (“Blueprint”) and work with Standardisation Bodies
This report analyses two specific activities within REFRESH: First, the dissemination of the Framework for Action (“Blueprint”) 1 that helps national governments to build Voluntary Agreements with the relevant stakeholders in the sector to reduce food loss and waste and second work with Standardisation Bodies2 , specifically barcode standards used by retailers. The main evaluation of REFRESH’s outreach activities is summarized in the 80 pages report “Final report on dissemination and exploitation of REFRESH results” (Wunder et al. 2019) that analyses the reach and impact of all communication tools used by REFRESH (events, publications, contest, quiz, website, Community of Experts, newsletter, social media activities on Twitter and Facebook, videos, press releases etc.).
Lyhyt kuvaus
- Sijainti
- Europe
- Kirjoittajat
- Toine Timmermans
- Käyttötarkoitus
- Dissemination
- Tiedostotyyppi
- Document
- Tiedoston koko
- 506 kB
- Lisätty
- 30-10-2019
- Alkuperäiskieli
- English
- Hankkeen virallinen verkkosivusto
- Lisenssi
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