470 Ergebnisse
FRAMEWork Guidelines to starting Farmer Clusters
FRAMEwork- Niamh McHugh
Citizen Science and Farmer-led innovation for biodiversity
FRAMEwork- Graham Begg
- Agriculture is a key frontier for ensuring planetary health and conserving and promoting biodiversity. The EU project “FRAMEwork” (2020-2024) is helping farmer groups
- so-called ‘farmer clusters’
- with a shared interest in monitoring biodiversity on their farms in partnership with researchers and local communities as well as implementing more biodiversity-friendly farming at a landscape scale. In eleven active farmer clusters from Spain to Estonia
- the project is combining two concepts
- stemming from different practice domains: Farmer Clusters and Citizen Observatories. The combination of the two concepts aims to maximise the strengths of both and create a strong
- evidence-based
- locally embedded community approach to biodiversity protection and enhancement by enabling the integration of structured monitoring with adaptive land management practices. In this poster
- we present a summary of the approach including different pathways to link farmer-led innovation via farmer clusters at a landscape scale with the Citizen Observatory concept as well as some intermediary results of the project.
Bioeast Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
BIOEASTsUP- Barna Kovács, PhD.
Strategic Guide on Sustainable Food Quality Schemes
Strength2Food- Filippo Arfini
- Marianna Guareschi
- Cecilia Mancini
Strategic Guide for Short Food Supply Chains
Strength2Food- Gunnar Vitterso
- Svein Ole Borgen
- Edward Majewski
- agata malak-rawlikowska
- Barbara Tocco
Strategic hoof trimming to improve herd health status and longevity
R4D- EN - Natasha Browne
- DK - Ole Ulloriaq Lønberg-Jensen
- DE - Caroline Braquet
- SL - Marija Klopcic