Innovating with aromatised wines, distilled spirits and liqueurs in wine cooperatives: a great oppo
Innovating with aromatised wines, distilled spirits and liqueurs in wine cooperatives: a great opportunity to open up and reinforce new market niches
Über das Projekt
- Art des Projekts
- EIP-AGRI Operational Group
- Förderkennzeichen
- OG_Spain_ff817018c6
- Startdatum
- 01 Jan 2019
- Enddatum
- 01 Jan 2021
- Zu den Projektdetails auf CORDIS
- -
- Zu der Projekt-Webseite
- Zu der Projekt-Webseite
Ficha Innovando con vinos aromatizados, destilados y licores en las cooperativas vitivinícolas: una gran oportunidad para abrir y fortalecer nuevos nichos de mercado
Innovating with aromatised wines, distilled spirits and liqueurs in wine cooperatives: a great oppo- CATALAN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES (FCAC)