Rentabilidad y sostenibilidad económica y financiera de las explotaciones forestales
Este trabajo que a continuación se presenta ha sido desarrollado en el marco del Grupo Operativo ProMinifun cuyo objetivo general es la recuperación, puesta en valor y dinamización de las áreas de minifundio en el medio rural forestal mediante el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras en la gestión del territorio que permitan solucionar los problemas derivados del abandono del mismo. Se corresponde con los siguientes objetivos: • Digitalización y diseño de soluciones para mejorar la gestión del minifundio. • Repositorio de datos para alimentar la plataforma web. • Valoración económica de las producciones potenciales para determinadas especies y estaciones. Cálculo de la rentabilidad económica de las explotaciones. • Cálculo de la Unidad de trabajo por Año. • Cálculo de la Unidad mínima de gestión.
Detaillierte Beschreibung
- Standort
- Spain
- Verfasser*innen
- Montserrat Ganado Abad
- Roberto Rubio Gutiérrez
- Juan Carlos Giménez Fernández
- Javier Pineda Vadillo
- Alvaro Picardo Nieto
- Zweck
- Communication
- Decision-making support
- Education/Training
- Dateiformat
- Document
- Dateigröße
- 11.69 MB
- Erstellt am
- 12-07-2021
- Originalsprache
- Spanish
- Offizielle Projekt-Webseite
- Operational Group PROMINIFUN: Innovative management models to improve productivity in smallholder a
- Lizenz
Ähnliche Inhalte
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 858735This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No 858735. FACTSHEET NANOCELLULOSE MEMBRANES FOR NUTRIENT RECOVERY Key information Functionalized nanocellulose membranes can take up nitrate and phosphate. These membranes can be put in a water treatment unit. As the membranes are biobased, degradable materials, they can after use be added to the soil, thus returning the leached nutrients back for their original purpose providing fertilizers (nutrient recycling).
An overview of farmers‘ interests regarding smart farming technologies throughout Europe
Presentation on EU farmers' needs and interests in smart farming based on survey results
Bioeast Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
BIOEAST Initiative, the CEE countries’ Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy, was established in 2016 to provide a political platform for the CEE countries to strengthen research and innovation cooperation and to enhance participation in the shaping of the European Research Area’s (ERA) policy and framework programme. The BIOEAST Initiative was founded by the Ministers of Agriculture of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia. The BIOEAST Initiative represents the common political commitment and shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable and circular bioeconomies in the CEE countries.