EURCAW-Pigs received the following questions: 1. In which situations (illness, injuries, etc.) does a pig need to be isolated and placed into a hospital pen? 2. What requirements does a hospital pen need to be optimal for an isolated pig? 3. What are the consequences to a pig’s welfare when being isolated? 4. Which possibilities are there of re-introducing a pig to its pen mates after being isolated? Several EURCAW-Pigs experts contributed to the response in this document.
This factsheet explains how bringing a team of farmer, vet, feed and farm advisors together is sharing different sources of knowledge together, making the Multi Actor Farm Health approach an effective approach to improve biosecurity on poultry farms
An infographic providing a compact overview on Polish company approach to recycle organic waste and by-products.
This factsheet presents the biosecurity audit tool Biocheck Ugent, that can give a biosecurity scoring in poultry farms to measure biosecurity level.