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Farmer clusters for Realising Agrobiodiversity Management across Ecosystems
Om projektet
FRAMEwork is constructed based on the Farmer Cluster approach successfully implemented in the UK. FRAMEWORK will enrich and innovate existing Farmer Clusters by liaising with local and (inter)national stakeholder groups, and set up new, multi-actor, Farmer Clusters in...
- Projekttype
- Horizon 2020
- Land
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- Bevillings-ID
- 10.3030/862731
- Startdato
- 01 Oct 2020
- Slutdato
- 30 Sept 2025
- Se projektdetaljer på CORDIS
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Citizen Science and Farmer-led innovation for biodiversity
- Graham Begg
- Agriculture is a key frontier for ensuring planetary health and conserving and promoting biodiversity. The EU project “FRAMEwork” (2020-2024) is helping farmer groups
- so-called ‘farmer clusters’
- with a shared interest in monitoring biodiversity on their farms in partnership with researchers and local communities as well as implementing more biodiversity-friendly farming at a landscape scale. In eleven active farmer clusters from Spain to Estonia
- the project is combining two concepts
- stemming from different practice domains: Farmer Clusters and Citizen Observatories. The combination of the two concepts aims to maximise the strengths of both and create a strong
- evidence-based
- locally embedded community approach to biodiversity protection and enhancement by enabling the integration of structured monitoring with adaptive land management practices. In this poster
- we present a summary of the approach including different pathways to link farmer-led innovation via farmer clusters at a landscape scale with the Citizen Observatory concept as well as some intermediary results of the project.
FRAMEWork Guidelines to starting Farmer Clusters
- Niamh McHugh