Idi na početnu stranicu
PROTEINLEG - Development of high-quality dietary proteins through sustainable production and proce
PROTEINLEG - Development of high-quality dietary proteins through sustainable production and processing of leguminous crops
O projektu
- Vrsta projekta
- EIP-AGRI Operational Group
- ID dodjele
- OG_Spain_b335c7d673
- Datum početka
- 01 Jan 2021
- Datum završetka
- 01 Jan 2023
- Pogledajte detalje projekta na CORDIS-u
- -
- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
Practice abstract del GO PROTEINLEG, Desarrollo de proteínas alimentarias de alta calidad mediante producción y procesamiento sostenibles de cultivos de leguminosas
- Fundación Empresa Universidad Gallega (FEUGA)