Idi na početnu stranicu
Air pollution by ozone and its effect on plant pathogen diseases in the framework of Global Change
Air pollution by ozone and its effect on plant pathogen diseases in the framework of Global Change
O projektu
- Vrsta projekta
- EIP-AGRI Operational Group
- ID dodjele
- OG_Spain_0bf158c914
- Datum početka
- 01 Jan 2018
- Datum završetka
- 01 Jan 2021
- Pogledajte detalje projekta na CORDIS-u
- -
- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
Practice abstract del GO OZOCAM, ozono y patogenicidad vegetal en la Comunidad de Madrid (España)
- Victoria Bermejo Bermejo