Idi na početnu stranicu
A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers
O projektu
EuroDairy will foster development and dissemination of practice-based innovations in dairy farming on key sustainability issues for the post-quota era. Work Package 1 (Project co-ordination) oversees formation of the Thematic Network, ensures interconnectivity in generation...
- Vrsta projekta
- Horizon 2020
- Zemlja
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- ID dodjele
- 10.3030/696364
- Datum početka
- 01 Feb 2016
- Datum završetka
- 31 Jan 2019
- Pogledajte detalje projekta na CORDIS-u
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- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
Treating lameness in dairy cows without antibiotics
- Aurore Duvauchelle Wache