Idi na početnu stranicu
Innovative strategies for the early detection and control of Sclerotium rolfsii in potatoes in And
Innovative strategies for the early detection and control of Sclerotium rolfsii in potatoes in Andalusia
O projektu
- Vrsta projekta
- EIP-AGRI Operational Group
- ID dodjele
- OG_Spain_28fa01b09e
- Datum početka
- 01 Jan 2017
- Datum završetka
- 01 Jan 2019
- Pogledajte detalje projekta na CORDIS-u
- -
- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
- Posjetite web stranicu projekta
Practice abstract of GO Sclerotium rolfsii in potatoes in Andalusia
- José Fernando Robles